Source code for treefarm.treefarm

TreeFarm class and member functions


# Copyright (c) ytree development team. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

import numpy as np
import os

from yt.frontends.ytdata.utilities import \
from yt.units.yt_array import \
from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
    _get_comm, \

from treefarm.ancestry_checker import \
from treefarm.ancestry_filter import \
from treefarm.ancestry_short import \
from treefarm.halo_selector import \
    selector_registry, \
from treefarm.utilities.funcs import \
    ensure_dir, \
    get_output_filename, \
from import \
from treefarm.utilities.logger import \
    get_pbar, \
    set_parallel_logger, \
    treefarmLogger as mylog

[docs]class TreeFarm(object): r""" TreeFarm is the merger-tree creator for Gadget FoF and Subfind halo catalogs. TreeFarm can be used to create a merger-tree for the full set of halos, starting from the first catalog, or can be used to trace the ancestry of specific halos, starting from the last catalog. The merger-tree process will create a new set of halo catalogs, containing necessary fields (positions, velocities, masses), user-requested fields, and descendent IDs for each halo. These halo catalogs can be loaded at yt datasets. Parameters ---------- time_series : yt DatasetSeries object A yt time-series object containing the datasets over which the merger-tree will be calculated. setup_function : optional, callable A function that accepts a yt Dataset object and performs any setup, such as adding derived fields. Examples -------- To create a full merger tree: >>> import nummpy as np >>> import yt >>> import ytree >>> from treefarm import TreeFarm >>> ts = yt.DatasetSeries("data/groups_*/fof_subhalo_tab*.0.hdf5") >>> my_tree = TreeFarm(ts) >>> my_tree.trace_descendents("Group", filename="all_halos/") >>> a = ytree.load("all_halos/fof_subhalo_tab_000.0.h5") >>> m = a["particle_mass"] >>> i = np.argmax(m) >>> print (a.trees[i]["prog", "particle_mass").to("Msun/h")) To create a merger tree for a specific halo or set of halos: >>> import nummpy as np >>> import yt >>> import ytree >>> from treefarm import TreeFarm >>> ts = yt.DatasetSeries("data/groups_*/fof_subhalo_tab*.0.hdf5") >>> ds = yt[-1] >>> i = np.argmax(ds.r["Group", "particle_mass"].d) >>> my_ids = ds.r["Group", "particle_identifier"][i_max] >>> my_tree = TreeFarm(ts) >>> my_tree.set_ancestry_filter("most_massive") >>> my_tree.set_ancestry_short("above_mass_fraction", 0.5) >>> my_tree.trace_ancestors("Group", my_ids, filename="my_halos/") >>> a = ytree.load("my_halos/fof_subhalo_tab_025.0.h5") >>> print (a[0]["prog", "particle_mass").to("Msun/h")) """
[docs] def __init__(self, time_series, setup_function=None): self.ts = time_series self.setup_function = setup_function # set a default selector self.set_selector("all") # set a default ancestry checker self.set_ancestry_checker("common_ids") self.ancestry_filter = None self.ancestry_short = None self.comm = _get_comm(()) set_parallel_logger(self.comm)
[docs] def set_selector(self, selector, *args, **kwargs): r""" Set the method for selecting candidate halos for tracing halo ancestry. The default selector is "all", i.e., check every halo for a possible match. This can be slow. The "sphere" selector can be used to specify that only halos within some sphere be checked. Parameters ---------- selector : string Name of selector. """ self.selector = selector_registry.find(selector, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_ancestry_checker(self, ancestry_checker, *args, **kwargs): r""" Set the method for determing if a halo is the ancestor of another halo. The default method defines an ancestor as a halo where at least 50% of its particles are found in the descendent. Parameters ---------- ancestry_checker : string Name of checking method. """ self.ancestry_checker = \ ancestry_checker_registry.find(ancestry_checker, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_ancestry_filter(self, ancestry_filter, *args, **kwargs): r""" Select a method for determining which ancestors are kept. The kept ancestors will have their ancestries tracked. This can be used to speed up merger-trees for targeted halos by specifying that only the most massive ancestor be kept. Parameters ---------- ancestry_filter : string Name of filter method. """ self.ancestry_filter = \ ancestry_filter_registry.find(ancestry_filter, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_ancestry_short(self, ancestry_short, *args, **kwargs): r""" Select a method for cutting short the ancestry search. This can be used to speed up merger-trees for targeted halos by specifying that the search come to an end when an ancestor with greater than 50% of the halo's mass has been found, thereby ensuring that the most massive halo has already been found. Parameters ---------- ancestry_short : string Name of short-out method. """ self.ancestry_short = \ ancestry_short_registry.find(ancestry_short, *args, **kwargs)
def _load_ds(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Load a catalog as a yt dataset and call setup function. """ ds = yt_load(filename, **kwargs) if self.setup_function is not None: self.setup_function(ds) return ds def _find_ancestors(self, hc, halo_type, ds2, id_store=None): """ Search for ancestors of a given halo. """ if id_store is None: id_store = [] halo_member_ids = hc[halo_type, "member_ids"].d.astype(np.int64) candidate_ids = self.selector(hc, ds2) ancestors = [] for candidate_id in candidate_ids: if candidate_id in id_store: continue candidate = ds2.halo(hc.ptype, candidate_id) candidate_member_ids = candidate[halo_type, "member_ids"].d.astype(np.int64) if self.ancestry_checker(halo_member_ids, candidate_member_ids): candidate.descendent_identifier = hc.particle_identifier ancestors.append(candidate) if self.ancestry_short is not None and \ self.ancestry_short(hc, candidate): break id_store.extend([ancestor.particle_identifier for ancestor in ancestors]) if self.ancestry_filter is not None: ancestors = self.ancestry_filter(hc, ancestors) return ancestors def _find_descendent(self, hc, halo_type, ds2): """ Search for descendents of a given halo. """ halo_member_ids = hc[halo_type, "member_ids"].d.astype(np.int64) candidate_ids = self.selector(hc, ds2) hc.descendent_identifier = -1 for candidate_id in candidate_ids: candidate = ds2.halo(hc.ptype, candidate_id) candidate_member_ids = candidate[halo_type, "member_ids"].d.astype(np.int64) if self.ancestry_checker(candidate_member_ids, halo_member_ids): hc.descendent_identifier = candidate.particle_identifier break
[docs] def trace_ancestors(self, halo_type, root_ids, fields=None, filename=None): """ Trace the ancestry of a given set of halos. A merger-tree for a specific set of halos will be created, starting with the last halo catalog and moving backward. Parameters ---------- halo_type : string The type of halo, typically "FOF" for FoF groups or "Subfind" for subhalos. root_ids : integer or array of integers The halo IDs from the last halo catalog for the targeted halos. fields : optional, list of strings List of additional fields to be saved to halo catalogs. filename : optional, string Directory in which merger-tree catalogs will be saved. """ output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if self.comm.rank == 0 and len(output_dir) > 0: ensure_dir(output_dir) all_outputs = self.ts.outputs[::-1] ds1 = None for i, fn2 in enumerate(all_outputs[1:]): fn1 = all_outputs[i] target_filename = get_output_filename( filename, f"{_get_tree_basename(fn1)}.{0}", ".h5") catalog_filename = get_output_filename( filename, f"{_get_tree_basename(fn2)}.{0}", ".h5") if os.path.exists(catalog_filename): continue if ds1 is None: ds1 = self._load_ds(fn1) ds2 = self._load_ds(fn2) if self.comm.rank == 0: _print_link_info(ds1, ds2) if _get_total_halos(ds2, halo_type) == 0:"%s has no halos of type %s, ending." % (ds2, halo_type)) break if i == 0: target_ids = root_ids if not is_sequence(target_ids): target_ids = np.array([target_ids]) if isinstance(target_ids, YTArray): target_ids = target_ids.d if target_ids.dtype != np.int64: target_ids = target_ids.astype(np.int64) else:"Loading target ids from %s.", target_filename) ds_target = yt_load(target_filename) target_ids = \ ds_target.r["halos", "particle_identifier"].d.astype(np.int64) del ds_target id_store = [] target_halos = [] ancestor_halos = [] njobs = min(self.comm.size, target_ids.size) pbar = get_pbar("Linking halos", target_ids.size, parallel=True) my_i = 0 for halo_id in parallel_objects(target_ids, njobs=njobs): my_halo = ds1.halo(halo_type, halo_id) target_halos.append(my_halo) my_ancestors = self._find_ancestors(my_halo, halo_type, ds2, id_store=id_store) ancestor_halos.extend(my_ancestors) my_i += njobs pbar.update(my_i) pbar.finish() if i == 0: for halo in target_halos: halo.descendent_identifier = -1 self._save_catalog(filename, ds1, target_halos, halo_type, fields) self._save_catalog(filename, ds2, ancestor_halos, halo_type, fields) if len(ancestor_halos) == 0: break ds1 = ds2 clear_id_cache()
[docs] def trace_descendents(self, halo_type, fields=None, filename=None): """ Trace the descendents of all halos. A merger-tree for all halos will be created, starting with the first halo catalog and moving forward. Parameters ---------- halo_type : string The type of halo, typically "FOF" for FoF groups or "Subfind" for subhalos. fields : optional, list of strings List of additional fields to be saved to halo catalogs. filename : optional, string Directory in which merger-tree catalogs will be saved. """ output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if self.comm.rank == 0 and len(output_dir) > 0: ensure_dir(output_dir) all_outputs = self.ts.outputs[:] ds1 = ds2 = None for i, fn2 in enumerate(all_outputs[1:]): fn1 = all_outputs[i] target_filename = get_output_filename( filename, f"{_get_tree_basename(fn1)}.{0}", ".h5") catalog_filename = get_output_filename( filename, f"{_get_tree_basename(fn2)}.{0}", ".h5") if os.path.exists(target_filename): continue if ds1 is None: ds1 = self._load_ds(fn1) ds2 = self._load_ds(fn2) if self.comm.rank == 0: _print_link_info(ds1, ds2) target_halos = [] if _get_total_halos(ds1, halo_type) == 0: self._save_catalog(filename, ds1, target_halos, halo_type, fields) ds1 = ds2 continue target_ids = \ ds1.r[halo_type, "particle_identifier"].d.astype(np.int64) njobs = min(self.comm.size, target_ids.size) pbar = get_pbar("Linking halos", target_ids.size, parallel=True) my_i = 0 for halo_id in parallel_objects(target_ids, njobs=njobs): my_halo = ds1.halo(halo_type, halo_id) target_halos.append(my_halo) self._find_descendent(my_halo, halo_type, ds2) my_i += njobs pbar.update(my_i) pbar.finish() self._save_catalog(filename, ds1, target_halos, halo_type, fields) ds1 = ds2 clear_id_cache() if os.path.exists(catalog_filename): return if ds2 is None: ds2 = self._load_ds(fn2) if self.comm.rank == 0: self._save_catalog(filename, ds2, halo_type, fields)
def _save_catalog(self, filename, ds, halos, halo_type, fields=None): """ Save halo catalog with descendent information. """ if self.comm is None: rank = 0 else: rank = self.comm.rank filename = get_output_filename( filename, f"{_get_tree_basename(ds)}.{rank}", ".h5") if fields is None: my_fields = [] else: my_fields = fields[:] default_fields = \ ["particle_identifier", "descendent_identifier", "particle_mass"] + \ [f"particle_position_{ax}" for ax in "xyz"] + \ [f"particle_velocity_{ax}" for ax in "xyz"] for field in default_fields: if field not in my_fields: my_fields.append(field) if isinstance(halos, list): num_halos = len(halos) data = self._create_halo_data_lists(halos, halo_type, my_fields) else: num_halos = _get_total_halos(ds, halos) data = dict((field, ds.r[halos, field].in_base()) for field in my_fields if field != "descendent_identifier") data["descendent_identifier"] = -1 * np.ones(num_halos) ftypes = dict([(field, ".") for field in data]) extra_attrs = {"num_halos": num_halos, "data_type": "halo_catalog"}"Saving catalog with {num_halos} halos to {filename}.") save_as_dataset(ds, filename, data, field_types=ftypes, extra_attrs=extra_attrs) def _create_halo_data_lists(self, halos, halo_type, fields): """ Given a list of halo containers, return a dictionary of field values for all halos. """ data = dict([(hp, []) for hp in fields]) if len(halos) > 0: pbar = get_pbar("Gathering field data from halos", self.comm.size*len(halos), parallel=True) my_i = 0 for halo in halos: for hp in fields: data[hp].append(_get_halo_property(halo, halo_type, hp)) my_i += self.comm.size pbar.update(my_i) pbar.finish() for hp in fields: if data[hp] and hasattr(data[hp][0], "units"): data[hp] = YTArray(data[hp]).in_base() else: data[hp] = np.array(data[hp]) shape = data[hp].shape if len(shape) > 1 and shape[-1] == 1: data[hp] = np.reshape(data[hp], shape[:-1]) return data
def _get_total_halos(ds, halo_type): return sum([df.total_particles[halo_type] for df in ds.index.data_files]) def _get_tree_basename(fn): myfn = getattr(fn, "basename", fn) return os.path.basename(myfn).split(".", 1)[0] def _get_halo_property(halo, halo_type, halo_property): """ Convenience function for querying fields and other properties from halo containers. """ val = getattr(halo, halo_property, None) if val is None: val = halo[halo_type, halo_property] return val def _print_link_info(ds1, ds2): """ Print information about linking datasets. """ units = {"current_time": "Gyr"} for attr in ["basename", "current_time", "current_redshift"]: v1 = getattr(ds1, attr) v2 = getattr(ds2, attr) if attr in units: v1.convert_to_units(units[attr]) v2.convert_to_units(units[attr]) s = "Linking: %-20s = %-28s - %-28s" % (attr, v1, v2)