Source code for treefarm.halo_selector

HaloSelector functions


# Copyright (c) ytree development team. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

import numpy as np

from yt.units.yt_array import \
from yt.utilities.operator_registry import \
from yt.utilities.exceptions import \

from treefarm.utilities.funcs import \

selector_registry = OperatorRegistry()

_id_cache = {}

def clear_id_cache():
    Some HaloSelectors create a cache for quicker access.
    This clears that cache.
    for key in list(_id_cache):
        del _id_cache[key]

[docs]def add_halo_selector(name, function): r""" Add a HaloSelector to the registry of known selectors, so they can be chosen with :func:`~treefarm.TreeFarm.set_selector`. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the selector. function : callable The associated function. """ selector_registry[name] = HaloSelector(function)
[docs]class HaloSelector(object): r""" A HaloSelector is a function that is responsible for creating a list of ids of halos that are potentially ancestors of a given halo. Parameters ---------- hc : halo container object Halo container associated with the target halo. ds2 : halo catalog-type dataset The dataset of the ancestor halos. The function should return a list of integers representing the ids of potential halos to check for ancestry. """
[docs] def __init__(self, function, args=None, kwargs=None): self.function = function self.args = args if self.args is None: self.args = [] self.kwargs = kwargs if self.kwargs is None: self.kwargs = {}
def __call__(self, hc, ds2): return self.function(hc, ds2, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
[docs]def sphere_selector(hc, ds2, radius_field, factor=1, min_radius=None): r""" Select halos within a sphere around the target halo. Parameters ---------- hc : halo container object Halo container associated with the target halo. ds2 : halo catalog-type dataset The dataset of the ancestor halos. radius_field : str Name of the field to be used to get the halo radius. factor : float, optional Multiplicative factor of the halo radius in which potential halos will be gathered. Default: 1. min_radius : YTQuantity or tuple of (value, unit) An absolute minimum radius for the sphere. Returns ------- my_ids : list of ints List of ids of potential halos. """ if min_radius is not None: if isinstance(min_radius, YTQuantity): pass elif is_sequence(min_radius) and len(min_radius) == 2: min_radius = ds2.quan(min_radius[0], min_radius[1]) else: raise RuntimeError( "min_radius should be YTQuantity or (value, unit) tuple.") # Never mix code units from multiple datasets!!! center = ds2.arr("code_length").d, "code_length") radius = factor * hc[radius_field] radius = ds2.quan("code_length").d[0], "code_length") if min_radius is not None: radius = max(radius, min_radius) try: sp = ds2.sphere(center, radius) my_ids = sp[(hc.ptype, "particle_identifier")] my_ids = my_ids[np.argsort(sp[(hc.ptype, "particle_radius")])] return my_ids.d.astype(np.int64) except YTSphereTooSmall: return []
add_halo_selector("sphere", sphere_selector)
[docs]def all_selector(hc, ds2): r""" Return all halos from the ancestor dataset. Parameters ---------- hc : halo container object Halo container associated with the target halo. ds2 : halo catalog-type dataset The dataset of the ancestor halos. Returns ------- my_ids : list of ints List of ids of potential halos. """ ad = ds2.all_data() if "all" in _id_cache: return _id_cache["all"] my_ids = ad[hc.ptype, "particle_identifier"].d.astype(np.int64) _id_cache["all"] = my_ids return my_ids
add_halo_selector("all", all_selector)